Tuesday, 17 November


For today’s class we will conquer the following:

    1. Have a clearly stated/worded arguable thesis (claim)
    2. Have a clear idea of what is expected in your Academic Argument Essay
    3. Working with Quotes!

Arguable Thesis

  1. What type is it (this matters)?
    1. Definition, Causal, Evaluative, Rebuttal, and Proposal
  2. Is it arguable?

Parts of the Academic Argument Essay

  1. Introduction (Introduce the topic according to the conventions of the genre–examples from the online journal and pp 134-5 of your textbook.)
    1. Does the beginning of the essay introduce the topic according to the conventions of the genre?
  2. Background/explanation of the issue (A part of introducing your topic by providing any necessary information that your reader might need to understand your argument.)
  3. Statement of the claim
    1. Does the beginning of the essay introduce or foreshadow the paper’s argumentative claim? (“I argue that…”)
  4. Presentation of the reasons to support the claim (i.e the Body of the paper)
    1. Within the paragraphs, are the sources used appropriately as evidence to support the main claim? Do the paragraphs work together to make the overall argument?
  5. Summary of and refutation of opposing viewpoints (p.
    1. Is there an appropriate use of secondary sources to develop a sense of the conversation surrounding the topic?
  6. Conclusion (significance and implications of the argument (p 136 of your textbook))
    1. Does the writer discuss the significance and implications of the argument, according to the conventions of this genre?

Here are some sample papers:

Sample undergraduate journal articles, such as:

○      “The Reconceptualization of Valentine’s Day in the United States: Valentine’s Day as a Phenomenon of Popular Culture” by Natalie Van Dyk

■     http://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=bridges_contemporary_connections

○      “Hashtag Politics: The Polyphonic Revolution of #Twitter” by Bud Davis

■     http://digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=pjcr

○      “Smartphones in the workplace: Changing organizational behavior, transforming the future” Thiraput Pitichat

■     http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1038&context=lux

  1. Introduce the quote (Capturing Authorial Action)
    1. Hamilton argues that “…”
    2. Johnson and Johnson claim, “…”
  2. Quote
    1. Hamilton argues that “although my students knew that I was using the term ‘Netflix and chill’ incorrectly and didn’t point this out to me, they are still awesome” (27).
    2. Johnson and Johnson claim, “Let there be no more tears” (167).
  3. Contextualize/explain the quote (Why did you insert this quote and what does it mean?)
    1. In other words, …
    2. That is, …
    3. For Hamilton, students are awesome because they respectfully did not want to make an awkward situation even more awkward.
  1. Make sure that you have access to all of your sources for Thursday’s class
  2. Keep writing!
  3. You should have your introduction done and be working on your body paragraphs.
  4. Class time will be provided for working on your essays and for asking questions.

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